Looking for Junior High Girls Teams for our January 17th event
Format: 8 team bracketed duals (2 competition points) 3 match guarantee. There will be a mat available for exhibitions.
Schedule: Weigh-ins - 4:00 pm
Round 1 Start - 5:15 pm
Round 2 - 6:15 pm
Round 3 - 7:15 pm
(We expect to run ahead of schedule)
Cost: $250 per team
Payable to:
Juniata Wrestling Club Inc.
Mailing Address: Juniata Wrestling Club Inc.
204 Vincent Street
Mifflintown, PA 17059
Location: Juniata High School 3931 William Penn Highway Mifflintown, PA 17059
Plaques to the top 3 teams.
Note: This is a quick simple event we can run on a Friday evening and have everyone on their way home by a decent time. We are looking for teams that have similar weights that are able to match up and get our girls as many matches as we can. We will not exclude teams that do not have a full line-up. We are in the same situation of trying to get more girls out for our team. This format guarantees your starters 3-4 matches for two points versus an individual tournament where you may only get 2 matches for 3 points.
For more information or to enter your team contact Coach Barrick at barrickwrestling@gmail.com