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Barnesville Ohio has openings

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Joined: Dec 19 2016
Location: ohio
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    Posted: Mar 31 2017 at 11:21am
The Barnesville Doan Ford Invitational will be held on December 8-9, 2017. This bracket tournament features 24-26 teams from Ohio, PA, and WV. (Contacting schools from Indiana and Kentucky) Each year we strive to add top competition from each state to create a quality early season tournament. The tournament has grown over the past three seasons and we look for that to continue. 

In 2015 - Sixty-five of the wrestlers in the tournament qualified for the State tournament in their respective state; many of which placed high at the state level. This years tournament features 55 wrestlers that are ranked in their respective state. If you would like to see results from the past few years, check or baumspage.

Reason to come to the 49th Annual Doan Ford-Barnesville Wrestling Invitational:

Competitive early season tournament (past 2 years- 115 State qualifiers)
True bracket tournament (24 Man Bracket)
Two tournament directors determined to make this a great tournament
Smooth tournament (Tournament is completed between 7:00-8:00 Saturday evening)
Seeding criteria used via Baumspage.
Good communication throughout tournament through email, texting, and phone calls.
We select top rated officials
Adult table workers- many have been working same table for past several years
Two wrestler awards (Most Valuable and Most Pins in shortest time)
Top 2 team trophies, with a plaque for coaches as well.
Top 6 places awarded per weight class.
Video of tournament sent to all teams.
Efficient weigh ins
Wrestler warm up room beside of gym
Three locker rooms for teams to use
Updated brackets after each championship round and before consolation semifinals
Coaches room supplied for coaches and staff
Convenient location, just south of Interstate 70 and East of Interstate 77
Discounted room rates at local hotels
Willing take suggestions for tournament improvement from year to year.

Top ranked teams returning for 2017- Claymont, Troy Christian, Shadyside, Cabell Midland (WV), Parkersburg South (WV), Northern Lebanon (PA), Martins Ferry, Ridgewood, Coshocton.

Please look at your schedule to determine if you would like to be a part of this tournament for the 2017-2018 season. Contact me anytime to reserve a spot.
Cell (740) 359-7456 Email-
Wrestling Director
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