Archbishop Ryan High School2015 FEAR THE TRIBE DUALS @ArchRyan HS
When: Saturday, December 12th 2015
Time: Scales will open at 7am for weight checks
Weigh Ins: Start at 7:45 am, Wrestling to start at 8:45 am
Cost: $250.00 per team(checks made payable to Junior Raiders Wrestling)
Competition: 8 team bracketed dual tournament worth 2 PIAA competition points(all teams guaranteed 3 matches)
Trophy's: 1st and 2nd place team trophies will be awarded
Food and Beverage will be available throughout the day
Complimentary coaches room available all day
All PIAA rules will apply
Any interested teams or questions please contact Head Coach:
John Swift (215)520-6147,
or Assistant Coach:
Joe Cooney (267)228-5047,
Archbishop Ryan High School
11201 Academy Road
Philadelphia, PA. 19154